
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Right to Education Act...... infringing my rights?

The government of India, supported by practically everybody, has passed the right to education act. What I understand from whatever the newspapers say is that, basically and characteristically, the government has shrugged off the responsibility to provide basic education to all the citizens, and has passed the onus to all schools, including private ones. All private schools must now keep a segment of the seats for students from "financially disadvantaged" families. So far, so good. The latent commie inside the heart of every educated person tells me to cheer loudly. To join the landslide of applause for what is being touted as probably the only good thing this government has done. But then the chap who has worked like the proverbial dog to give his son one of the best educations in the country talks to me from the grave. (I happen to have a Jesuit schooling, REC engineering, and IIM management. Some of the best this country can give.) My dad, being a educated middle-