
Showing posts from May 26, 2012

An open letter to Indian employers

This is my response to the " Open Letter to India's Graduating Classes ", currently doing the rounds. On reading the load of grouse that the esteemed "employer" considers as  good advice , I am, to say the least, shocked! On the basis of what I personally went through, 12 long years ago, and what I am sure millions of graduate / post-graduate freshers go through even today, I think I need to reply. I am replying because I thought then, and I still think, that employers are short-changing the fresh graduates, especially the fresh B-school graduates. Over the last 12 years, I have seen no improvement in the "employer" attitudes. Feel free to reply with bouquets or brickbats. This is the truth as I have felt it. It's the concept of "employers" and "senior managers" whom I target. And in all fairness, I am a "senior manager" now, and hope the freshers under me don't have the same complaints as I did, all those years...