Missing you, Rambo!

Rambo - 09 Feb 2019 - 01 Jan 2023 I miss your tail wags, your goofy face. I miss you pissing all over the house when someone came in. I miss you barking madly but moving back when the doorbell rang. And staying alert till the visitor left. I miss you banging open the door when I was in a meeting. I miss the touch of your paw when I am eating. Or the wet nose begging for treats, or a rub. I miss you taking up so much space on the bed. And the licks you bestowed in the middle of the night. I miss you opening the balcony door, the only dog who learnt to do so. And letting the mosquitoes in. I miss you growling at other dogs from the balcony. I miss you running up for ice cream when I open the freezer door. How did you guess, from across the flat? I miss you stealing leftovers from the dustbin. And looking guilty when caught. How you learnt to jump on the bed as a little pup. I miss the way your ears were half-floppy, half-stiff. And went flat when you were excited, or happy. I miss y...